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I keep having the crazy idea that human energy waves have many quantum properties yet to be observed by the scientific community, and that once new tools for measuring these properties are invented, an entire world of understanding about the quantum field and our true potential in it as human beings will be unlocked by the masses.

Let us take the energy of an emotion, for example - How does an emotion actually get transmitted from me over to you? Or how can an emotion be used against you like a weapon? We all have met people who are able to cut others with their emotions. They don't even need words to do it, yet it feels like they put a knife right through your chest when they do. The vibration. Please recognize this is our ENERGY, unmeasured. And, I believe this energy is communicated between us all the time through unseen waves, which ultimately will be able to be measured. I have found sound waves and water are two of the best vehicles for examining specific qualities of this, the realm of the "unseen”.

See Cymatics:

When it comes to the power of Art to impact us emotionally, I believe what we are actually talking about here are properties of what is more commonly known of as the, “unified field” or “quantum field”, and that these sophisticated and nuanced energetic dimensions embedded within it are communicated through waves of energy, which transmit the deeper messages of feeling and emotion to the audience. These waves are leveraged by very highly experienced singers, musicians, and artists all the time to clearly communicate a “feeling tone”, received and recognized by the observer in the wave patterns created in the water within the cells of our body. This is the secret language of Art, encoded somewhere within the overtones of the voice, or the way a world class violinist can seemingly weep tears through the strings of the violin, or how a paint brush can evoke an image inside of the viewer’s mind, beyond what is seen on the canvas. There is a deeper message encoded, seen with the senses, but unseen by the eyes.

I believe singers, musicians, and artists are the original quantum scientists, and I feel these yet unmeasured properties of energy are the true access point into the quantum field which will unlock the understanding of it all.

Here’s what scientists at Stanford are doing: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/07/190726165823.htm

And in January, 2020, Harvard scientists confirmed our galaxy is in fact distributed as a sine wave (wave of pure tone): https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/01/07/new-map-milky-way-harvard-astronomy